Viola Rose

Viola Rose is a “Transformational Sound Artist” combining Music and Healing as Sound-Healing in her own inspired way for many years, and has facilitated Sound Healing events and personal Sound Healing sessions since 2014.

She is also an “Ascension Catalyst” and is Heart-based meditation and activation workshop teacher for Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of Remembering, facilitating “Awakening The Illuminated Heart” workshops regularly since 2012 online and in the Sedona area.

From Viola:
“I am here to be in service to Love, Ascension, opening the heart, all things beautiful and to joyfully play whatever part I can in the process of Spiritual Remembering at this amazing, wild and transitional time on 3D Earth.
I am in my mid 50’s, and all my life I have been answering the call to go deeper. I have a driving passion for Metaphysical and Consciousness research. I have spent my years pursuing truth, service, musicianship and performance art, healthy high vibrational lucid clear living, Reiki, Sound Healing, exploring various spiritual traditions and any path that would bring me to the next level of heart opening and deeper understanding. Every turn of the road has brought me insights and precious gifts. I am constantly seeking out new and accessible ways to learn to live fully in our hearts and to connect with the energies of Ascension.
I am a certified Gong Practitioner (through Gong Master Metab Bentons school) a certified Holistic Health Coach, (through the Institute For Integrative Nutrition) a certified teacher for Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of Remembering, a Certified Laughter Yoga teacher, a Musician and Sound Healer.
I love inspiring and supporting people who are ready to shift, whether with their health, nutrition, spiritual landscape or into living more fully from the heart. I am motivated by the fact that millions of people are in pain and experiencing real challenges in their lives. I strive to offer beautiful, profound and yet simple ways to truly embody higher understandings, and open the heart.
I bring my lively spirit, my joy, my reverence and my love for all to the work I offer to the world.”

Visit Viola’s website for more information on booking individual sound-healing sessions, group sound-bath events, music for events, handpan lessons, embodied vocal coaching, space clearings, spiritual guidance and coaching on the ascension path, and to learn more about Awakening The Illuminated Heart workshops.

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