Reverend John M. Polk is an International Metaphysical Minister with a B. A. in Metaphysics and a Ministry from the University of Sedona. His Ministry is Wolf Spirit Ministries. John is also a Mikao Usui Reiki Master/Instructor since 2011. The Reverend worked as a Psychic Medium at the Center Of The New Age located in Sedona, AZ in 2018. He currently works as a tour guide in Sedona specializing in UFO Tours along with Ghost, Vortex, Medicine Wheel and Shamanic Journey Tours. Johnpolktours.com Reverend Polk also speaks and Emcees at UFO, Metaphysical and Spiritual Conferences around the country. John used to broadcast live every Tuesday 5-7 PM PST on his show Quantum Hologram Matrix on thefringe.fm. His show largely covered ETs, UFOs, the spirit world, spirituality, quantum consciousness, healing modalities and much more. He has authored two books on these topics as well. Reverend John has a universe of followers both in this realm and in the ethereal. There are countless witnesses to his ability to attract Angels, Sentient Beings and UFOs. He also has many clients and friends who can attest to his skills as a Reiki Master/Instructor. John is not the healer, the Universal God Consciousness is. He is merely the instrument this healing love energy travels through. Most of his close friends have had close encounters with him and will go on record to relive their experience. He will tell his close friends and love interests that if you spend time around him, your vibration increases to a higher frequency which opens up your Pineal Gland. This translates into seeing various anomalies. Please know that when you’re with John or if you join one of his classes that you are protected. He has legions of loving Angels and Sentient Beings that follow him around to make sure he and everyone else is safe. The Reverend prays and meditates every day for himself and others to send a love vibration frequency that everyone can feel because Love is the most powerful currency and consciousness in the Universe.
Twitter: @ReverendPolk & @QHMatrix
Facebook: Marcus Polk